平素は格別のご高配を賜り誠にありがとうございます。2018年8月中に限月を迎えるCFD商品は以下の通りとなります。 尚、限月を迎えるCFD商品にてポジションをお持ちのお客様は、限月期限までの間に一度ポジションをクローズして頂き、指値注文などの設定をされている場合は一度キャンセル処理をして頂けます様お願い申し上げます。 万が一、当該限月期限日にポジションをお持ちの場合や、指値注文がキャンセルとなっていない場合は、弊社提携のリクイディティーパートナーにて当該商品におけるポジションがクローズされると共に、お客様の口座にございますポジションはクローズ、指値注文設定はキャンセルされますのでご注意下さいませ。 限月を迎える商品並びに期限日については以下のテーブルをご確認下さい。 (記載の時刻はGMT時刻にて表示させて頂いております): 商品名 シンボル名 限月償還期限日 英国ブレント原油 UKOil 2018年8月28日 午後21:45 米国WTI原油 USOil 2018年8月16日午後20:45 天然ガス NGAS 2018年8月23日午後20:45 銅(高品位) COPPER 2018年8月30日午後20:45 留意事項: 記載の時刻については予告なく変更される場合がございます。 免責事項: 予測しない事態の発生や流動性の問題により、本お知らせに記載の内容が予告なく変更となる場合がございますので、予めご理解・ご了承の程宜しくお願い申し上げます。 本お知らせに関し、何かご不明点・ご質問などございましたらお気軽に弊社サポートまでご連絡頂けますと幸いです。
Please be aware that the following CFD contracts will expire this month (August 2018) You are advised to close all your relevant open positions and delete any pending orders before the expiry date/time. TTCM will close all open positions and delete any pending orders in your accounts when the CFD’s will be closed in our
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), has formally adopted new measures on the provision of contracts for differences(CFDs) to retail investors in order to offer a tighter protection to retail traders. For further information, click here. When will the changes that will affect retail traders come into effect? The relevant measures will start to apply
Please be aware that the following CFD contracts will expire this month (July 2018) You are advised to close all your relevant open positions and delete any pending orders before the expiry date/time. TTCM will close all open positions and delete any pending orders in your accounts when the CFD’s will be closed in our
Please note that we are going to proceed with a maintenance over the upcoming weekend Works will take place on 16/06/2018 between 05:00 and 09:00 GMT. During that time, you might experience short disconnections to your services. Total outage should not exceed 30 minutes. Our apologies in advance for the inconvenience.
Please be aware that the following CFD contracts will expire this month (June 2018) You are advised to close all your relevant open positions and delete any pending orders before the expiry date/time. TTCM will close all open positions and delete any pending orders in your accounts when the CFD’s will be closed in our
In observance of the upcoming Spring Bank Holiday & Memorial Day Trading hours 28th of May 2018, please find updated the trading hours in the table below. Please be aware that the trading hours for spot FX products will not be changed, but please make sure you are aware of the following changes to the
In observance of the upcoming German Bank Holiday on 21st of May 2018, please find updated the trading hours in the table below. Please be aware that the trading hours only for DE30 will be changed, and there will be no changes on the rest of the products. Date: 21/05/2018 MARKET SYMBOL TRADING HOURS Index Germany 30
Please be aware that the following CFD contracts will expire this month (April 2018) You are advised to close all your relevant open positions and delete any pending orders before the expiry date/time. TTCM will close all open positions and delete any pending orders in your accounts when the CFD’s will be closed in our